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Dreamy CookieLand: the land of magic and dreams

Dreamy CookieLand was a Cookie Run event that begun on May 14th, and featured the return of Apple Cookie and the release of Cream Unicorn Cookie. The story's premise is quite simple: Apple Cookie, Pancake Cookie, Pudding Cookie, Chestnut Cookie and Firecracker Cookie set out to explore CookieLand, a long closed theme park where Apple swears to have seen a unicorn. Muscle Cookie and Adventurer Cookie, in the meantime, were fascinated by the gates being open once again, and decide to enter too - only to find themselves transformed into children by smoke coming from the merry-go-round.

Both groups' exploration (and Firecracker's reunion with PiƱata Cookie) lead to them finding out the unicorn had been in plain sight: it was the one on the carousel, revealing itself to be a Cookie.